Privacy Policy

Alaska Entrepreneurship Week



Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Purpose of the policy
    • Scope of the policy
  2. Information Collection
    • Types of information collected
    • Methods of collection
    • Purpose of collecting information
  3. Use of Information
    • How the information will be used
    • Parties who will have access to the information
    • Legal basis for processing information
  4. Data Sharing and Disclosure
    • Circumstances under which information might be shared
    • Safeguards for protecting information when shared with third parties
    • Disclosure to international parties
  5. Data Protection and Security
    • Security measures to protect data
    • Data retention policies
    • Data breach notification procedures
  6. Rights of Data Subjects
    • Description of participants’ rights
    • How to exercise these rights
    • Contact details for privacy concerns
  7. Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies
    • Types of tracking used
    • Purposes of tracking 
    • How to control or opt-out of tracking
  8. Third-Party Services and Content
    • Overview of third-party services used
    • Implications for data privacy
    • Links to third-party privacy policies
  9. Copyrighted Materials
    • Policy on use and sharing of copyrighted material
    • Attribution and licensing details
    • Procedures for handling copyright infringement claims
  10. Children’s Privacy
    • Compliance with laws regarding the collection of children’s data
    • Specific practices related to children’s data
  11. Updates to the Privacy Policy
    • How updates will be communicated
    • Effective date of the latest policy
  12. Contact Information
    • How to contact the responsible party for privacy matters
  13. Governing Law
    • Jurisdiction and applicable law


1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Policy

The primary purpose of this privacy policy is to demonstrate our firm commitment to the privacy and protection of all the information collected from participants, partners, and other stakeholders involved in the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week. This policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information that may be collected through our event registration, associated websites, and other engagements related to the event. Understanding these practices is crucial for all parties involved, ensuring clarity and confidence in how their information is handled.

1.2 Scope of the Policy

This privacy policy applies to all personal and organizational information collected by the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week organizing team in connection with the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week. The scope of this policy encompasses, but is not limited to, personal data such as names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers, as well as sensitive organizational data including business names, logos, proprietary information, and other relevant data submitted or communicated through various channels. This policy also covers any content that may be subject to copyright protection, including promotional materials, photographs, and videos.

1.3 Commitment to Privacy

We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of our event participants and collaborators. The information provided will be used in accordance with the terms laid out in this policy and with the respect it deserves. We take all necessary precautions to ensure that all data is handled securely and in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

1.4 Legal Framework

1.4.1 Compliance with Local and Federal Laws

The practices described in this privacy policy strictly adhere to applicable data protection and privacy laws in the United States, particularly those enforced in the State of Alaska. Our operations and this policy are designed to comply with relevant state statutes as well as federal laws such as:

  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): Ensures the protection of children under the age of 13 in the digital space.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Applicable if medical or health-related information is collected, ensuring the protection of personal health information.
  • Fair Information Practices: The principles that represent widely accepted concepts concerning fair information practice in an electronic marketplace.

1.4.2 Participant Rights

This privacy policy serves as a guide to outline our legal obligations and the rights of the participants under these laws. Participants have the right to:

  • Access their data to understand what personal information is being held.
  • Request correction of any incorrect or incomplete information.
  • Opt-out of certain uses of their data, such as direct marketing.
  • Request deletion of their personal data under certain circumstances.
  • Receive notifications in the event of a data breach that may affect their personal information.

1.4.3 Commitment to Privacy Standards

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and will continually update this policy to reflect changes in both the legal landscape and our data practices. This ongoing commitment helps ensure that we remain compliant with best practices for data protection and respond proactively to any new regulations that may affect our participants.

1.4.4 Enforcement and Compliance

We regularly review our compliance with this policy and all applicable laws. Any inquiries or concerns about our compliance framework can be directed to the contact information provided in this policy. Should a dispute arise regarding personal data or privacy, participants are encouraged to contact us directly to find a resolution.

2. Information Collection

2.1 Types of Information Collected

In organizing the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week, we collect various types of information to ensure effective planning, execution, and communication. These types include:

  • Contact Details: Names, email addresses, and phone numbers to facilitate communication regarding event logistics and updates.
  • Demographic Information: Age, job titles, and other demographic data to tailor and improve the event experience and for future planning.
  • Preferences and Opinions: Feedback on previous events, preferences for event activities, and other opinion data to enhance event content and engagement.
  • Images and Logos: Photographs, digital images, and logos submitted by participants or partners for promotional activities.
  • Web Addresses: Information related to the digital footprints of the participants or partnering organizations, such as website URLs, which may be used in promotions or collaborations.

2.2 Methods of Collection

The collection of this information will occur through various methods, ensuring convenience and security:

  • Direct Interactions: Via email communications, phone calls, and in-person meetings.
  • Social Media and Websites: Through interactions on official event social media pages and the event website.
  • Online Forms: Including registration forms and other online portals designed to capture participant information securely.
  • Third-Party Services: Using services that comply with our privacy standards to handle specific types of data collection, such as registration and payment processing.

2.3 Purpose of Collection

The information collected serves multiple purposes related to the organization and enhancement of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week, including:

  • Event Logistics: Managing attendance, scheduling, and coordination of event activities.
  • Communication: Sending updates, responding to inquiries, and providing information about current or future events.
  • Marketing: Promoting the event through various channels, targeting potential participants, and re-engaging past attendees.
  • Feedback: Collecting insights and opinions to improve the experience of the current event and planning future events.

2.4 Non-Disclosure to Third Parties

We are committed to maintaining the trust of our participants and partners. All personal and organizational information collected will be used exclusively for purposes directly related to the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week and will not be sold or disclosed to third parties for any commercial purposes.

3. Use of Information

3.1 Overview

The information collected through various methods during the planning and execution of Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is essential for delivering a well-organized and engaging event. This section outlines how the collected information will be utilized by the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week and our trusted partners.

3.2 Communication

We use contact details and demographic information to communicate effectively with participants and partners about event details. This includes sending notifications regarding event schedules, any changes, and logistical arrangements. Further, communication channels may be utilized post-event to gather feedback and provide information about future events.

3.3 Event Logistics

Collected information, such as contact details, demographic information, and preferences, plays a crucial role in the logistical arrangement of the event. This includes tailoring the event layout, content, and activities to better suit the audience, managing registrations, facilitating check-ins, and ensuring accommodation for specific needs.

3.4 Marketing and Promotion

We use contact information, images, logos, and web addresses for marketing purposes. This includes the creation of promotional materials, both digital and print, that may feature logos of participating organizations, testimonials, and photographs from the event. Marketing efforts are also aimed at future events to keep our audience engaged and informed.

3.5 Feedback Collection

Information related to preferences and opinions is crucial for us to gather feedback on the event’s success and areas for improvement. This information is used to enhance the quality of subsequent events and to address any concerns or suggestions from participants.

3.6 Legal Compliance

We may use the collected information to comply with legal obligations, respond to legal requests, or as required by law enforcement entities. This use of information is strictly limited to compliance with the law and is conducted under appropriate legal scrutiny.

3.7 Information Security

While using the information for the aforementioned purposes, we ensure strict adherence to data security principles. Only authorized personnel have access to this information, and it is protected using industry-standard security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.

3.8 Non-Disclosure Agreement

In line with our commitment to privacy, the collected information is not shared with third parties for any commercial purposes outside the scope of Alaska Entrepreneurship Week. Any sharing of information is conducted under strict data protection agreements to ensure the security and confidentiality of participant data.

4. Data Sharing and Disclosure

4.1 Overview

The Alaska Entrepreneurship Week organizing team recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected from participants and partners in relation to the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week. This section outlines the circumstances under which data might be shared with third parties, including sponsors, vendors, technology providers, other organizers, and hosting organizations, as well as the safeguards in place to ensure data protection.

4.2 Sharing with Sponsors and Partners

Information may be shared with sponsors and partners under strict conditions to enhance the event experience. This includes sharing participant demographics to tailor sponsor messages and ensure that promotional content is relevant and engaging. All sponsors and partners are required to adhere to our data protection standards and use the information solely for the purposes related to  the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week.

4.3 Involvement of Vendors and Technology Providers

Operational vendors and technology providers such as Zoom, Gmail, and HubSpot may have access to certain data necessary for the execution of their services, including handling communications, managing registrations, or hosting virtual segments of the event. These providers are bound by contractual obligations to implement robust security measures and restrict their use of the data to the purposes for which it was provided.

4.4 Collaboration with Co-Organizers and Hosts

Data may also be shared with co-organizers and hosts, including governmental bodies, non-profits, and private entities, to coordinate on event logistics, venue arrangements, and other operational needs. All co-organizers and hosts are similarly expected to protect the data according to the guidelines stipulated in this policy.

4.5 Legal Disclosures

While we are currently unaware of any specific legal obligations that might require the disclosure of personal information, we reserve the right to disclose such information if required by law or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to comply with legal processes, respond to claims, or protect the rights, property, or safety of our organization, our users, or the public.

4.6 Safeguards for Data Protection

We take all necessary measures to ensure that any data shared with third parties is protected against unauthorized access or disclosure. This includes vetting third parties thoroughly, implementing data sharing agreements that enforce adherence to privacy laws, and regularly reviewing our privacy practices and compliance with agreed policies.

4.7 No International Data Transfers

As the event is hosted in Alaska and involves no international partners, no international data transfers will occur. All data collected and processed remains within the United States, adhering to U.S. data protection laws and regulations.

5. Data Protection and Security

5.1 Security Measures

For the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week, safeguarding the personal and organizational information we collect is a top priority. We have implemented a series of physical, administrative, and technical security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. These measures include:

  • Password Protection: All cloud storage solutions and sensitive website pages used to store personal data are secured with strong passwords. Regular audits are conducted to ensure that these passwords remain confidential and are changed periodically to enhance security.
  • Access Controls: Access to sensitive data is strictly limited to authorized personnel who have a legitimate need to access the information to perform their job responsibilities. These individuals are trained on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of the data.

5.2 Data Retention

We retain the personal and organizational information collected for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, unless a shorter retention period is required by law. The information may be held indefinitely unless an individual or organization explicitly requests its deletion or modification. This policy ensures that all participants and partners are aware of our retention practices and their rights to request the deletion of their data.

  • Retention Review: Regular reviews of our data retention policy are conducted to ensure that it aligns with our operational requirements and legal obligations.

5.3 Data Breach Notification Procedures

Despite our best efforts to protect information, no method of storage or transmission over the Internet is completely secure. In the event of a data breach, we are committed to taking the following steps to mitigate the impact:

  • Immediate Investigation: Upon discovery of a potential data breach, we will promptly investigate the incident to determine the nature and scope of the breach.
  • Containment and Assessment: We will take immediate steps to contain the breach and assess the risk to individuals’ personal data.
  • Notification: If the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, we will notify affected individuals and any applicable regulators within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, in accordance with U.S. data protection laws.
  • Review and Remediation: After addressing an incident, we will review our data security policies and practices to prevent future breaches and make necessary adjustments.

5.4 Commitment to Ongoing Security

We are committed to continuously improving our security practices. This includes regular reviews of our security measures and updating them as necessary to address new security challenges and technological developments.

6. Rights of Data Subjects

6.1 Overview of Rights

Under applicable U.S. and Alaskan law, participants and partners have several rights concerning their personal information. The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is committed to ensuring that these rights can be easily exercised. The rights include:

  • Right to Access: You have the right to request access to the personal information that we hold about you. This includes the right to be informed about the nature of the personal information, how it is being used, and whom it has been disclosed to.
  • Right to Rectification: If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request that we correct or complete this information as soon as possible.
  • Right to Erasure: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. This is also known as the “right to be forgotten.”
  • Right to Restrict Processing: You may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data under certain circumstances, such as if you contest the accuracy of that data or have objected to our use of it.
  • Right to Data Portability: Where applicable, you may request that we provide your data to you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. You may also request that this data be transmitted directly to another controller.
  • Right to Object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, particularly if we are processing it for direct marketing purposes or based on our legitimate interests.

6.2 How to Exercise Your Rights

To exercise any of these rights, please send a detailed email to []. In your email, please specify the right you wish to exercise and any details relevant to your request. We will respond to your request within 30 days of receiving it. If we require more time, we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.

  • Verification of Identity: To protect your information, we may require verification of your identity before processing your request.
  • Handling of Requests: We will handle your request free of charge, except in cases where requests are unfounded or excessive. In such cases, we may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs or refuse to act on the request.

6.3 Contact Details for Privacy Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we handle your personal data, please contact the organizing team at []. Our team is dedicated to addressing any issues you may have regarding your privacy rights.

7. Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies

7.1 Overview of Cookies and Tracking Technologies

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week uses cookies and similar tracking technologies on our event websites and related platforms to enhance functionality and gather analytics that helps improve the user experience. The types of cookies used are:

  • Essential Cookies: These are necessary for the basic functioning of our websites and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are typically set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or filling in forms.
  • Functional Cookies: These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages.
  • Analytics Cookies: These are used to collect information about how visitors use our website, which pages are visited most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. This helps us improve the performance of our websites and understand user behaviors.

7.2 Purpose of Tracking Technologies

The primary purposes for using these technologies are:

  • Enhancing Site Functionality: To ensure that our websites and platforms operate effectively and to remember your preferences to provide a more personalized experience.
  • Analytics: To analyze how our services are accessed, used, or performing. We use the information to maintain, operate, and continually improve our services. We may also obtain reports based on the use of these technologies by these companies on an individual and aggregated basis.

7.3 User Control Over Cookies and Tracking

As of now, the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week does not provide mechanisms for users to control or opt-out of cookies directly through our websites. However, many web browsers provide options to refuse cookies or to be alerted when a cookie is being sent. It is possible to manage cookie preferences through your browser settings. Here’s how you can manage cookies on major web browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Menu > Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data
  • Mozilla Firefox: Menu > Options > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data
  • Safari (Mac): Safari > Preferences > Privacy
  • Microsoft Edge: Menu > Settings > Cookies and site permissions > Cookies and site data

Adjusting your browser settings to refuse cookies may impact your experience as some parts of our site may not function as intended.

7.4 Compliance and Consent

By using our websites without adjusting your browser settings to block cookies, you are consenting to our use of cookies and tracking technologies as described in this policy.

8. Third-Party Services and Content

8.1 Use of Third-Party Services

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week utilizes a variety of third-party services to enhance the event experience and facilitate various functionalities. These services include:

  • Registration Platforms: To streamline event registration processes.
  • Social Media Widgets: To integrate social interactions and sharing functionalities on our event pages.
  • WordPress Plugins: To enhance and customize our website’s functionality.
  • Google Forms and HubSpot Forms: For survey distribution and data collection.
  • Zoom and Gmail: Used for virtual meetings and communication with participants and partners.

Each of these services is chosen for their reliability and compatibility with our operational needs. However, these platforms operate under their own privacy policies and practices, which we do not control but do select based on their compliance with acceptable privacy standards.

8.2 Content from Third Parties

Our event websites and promotional materials may include various forms of content from third parties, such as:

  • Videos: For educational and promotional purposes.
  • Maps: To provide location details.
  • Social Media Posts: To engage with attendees and the public.

This content enriches the user experience but may also lead users to external sites where different privacy practices are in place.

8.3 Privacy Concerns and Safeguards

We are aware of and sensitive to the concerns that may arise with the use of third-party services and content, including:

  • Data Sharing Without Consent: We ensure that information obtained through one organizer is not shared with another without explicit consent.
  • Attendee Information Privacy: Attendee data is not shared outside of the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week without their consent, except as required for the direct facilitation of the event or as required by law.
  • Sponsor Information Confidentiality: Sponsor data is handled with the utmost care, ensuring that no information is made public without their approval.

To protect your privacy, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party services and external content providers you interact with. Our agreements with these providers always consider data protection implications to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

8.4 Communication and Transparency

We commit to maintaining open lines of communication regarding our use of third-party services and content. If you have concerns about how your data is being used in relation to these third parties, please contact us at [].

9. Copyrighted Materials

9.1 Overview

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week recognizes the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and is committed to using copyrighted materials in a lawful and ethical manner. This includes photographs, videos, music, articles, branded content, logos, images, and documents such as forms, manuals, and templates.

9.2 Acquisition and Usage Rights

To ensure the legality and ethical use of copyrighted materials, the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week employs the following mechanisms:

  • Licensed Content: We obtain licenses for all copyrighted materials not created in-house. This includes licenses for music, stock photographs, and articles.
  • In-House Creation: Many of the materials used, such as some photographs, videos, and documents, are created by our team, ensuring we hold all necessary rights.
  • Contributions from Third Parties: When using contributions from third parties, such as guest articles, logos from partners, or branded content, we ensure that contributors have provided explicit permission for their use. This is managed through written agreements that specify the scope of the usage rights granted to us.

9.3 Attribution

Whenever required by license or when morally appropriate, the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week provides attribution to the copyright owners of the materials used. This includes crediting photographers, musicians, and authors, or citing sources for articles and reports.

9.4 Procedures for Handling Copyright Infringement Claims

In the event that any of our content is alleged to infringe upon intellectual property rights, we follow a stringent procedure to address such claims:

  • Notification: Claims of copyright infringement should be submitted to us in writing via [contact email], providing detailed information about the copyrighted work that has allegedly been infringed, as well as the infringing material.
  • Investigation: Upon receipt of a claim, we will conduct an internal investigation to assess the validity of the complaint.
  • Action: If the infringement is confirmed, we will immediately remove the infringing material from our platforms and cease further use. We will also engage with the copyright owner to resolve the issue, which may include negotiating a license or other remediation.
  • Prevention: Post-resolution, we will review our content acquisition and publication procedures to prevent future infringements.

9.5 Commitment to Ethical Use

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of intellectual property rights and expects all participants, partners, and third-party contributors to adhere to these principles.

10. Children’s Privacy

10.1 Policy Overview

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is committed to protecting the privacy of children who participate in our events. This section outlines our practices regarding children’s privacy, particularly for events that do not have a minimum age requirement and those specifically designed for children.

10.2 Events without Age Restrictions

For events open to all ages, including children:

  • General Participation: We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13 without consent, we will take steps to remove that information from our systems.
  • Event-Specific Notices: For events where children are likely to participate, additional notices will be provided at the point of registration or entry, clearly specifying any data collection practices that may apply to children.

10.3 Events with Age-Specific Content

For events specifically designed for children:

  • Partner Organizations: Activities directed towards children are organized and managed by specialized organizations proficient in hosting events for children. These organizations are solely responsible for obtaining necessary parental consents and managing children’s data according to their privacy policies.
  • Oversight and Compliance: While the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week does not directly manage these activities, we ensure that our partner organizations adhere to applicable laws and standards concerning children’s privacy.

10.4 Parental Consent

  • Responsibility of Partner Organizations: For events specifically targeting children, the partner organization will be responsible for ensuring that all necessary parental consents are obtained before collecting, using, or disclosing any personal information from children. This includes:
    • Informing parents/guardians about the types of information collected from their children.
    • Explaining the purposes for which it is collected.
    • Offering an option to opt out or request deletion of their child’s information.
  • Verification: Partner organizations must verify parental consent as required by law, ensuring that any data collected is handled securely and ethically.

10.5 Commitment to Safety

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is dedicated to ensuring the safety and privacy of all participants at our events, especially minors. We regularly review our policies and practices in collaboration with our partners to ensure they meet our standards and legal requirements.

10.6 Contact Information

Should you have any questions or concerns about our children’s privacy practices or about our partner organizations’ policies, please contact us at [].

11. Updates to the Privacy Policy

11.1 Policy Review and Updates

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is committed to maintaining a privacy policy that is in line with the latest legal requirements, operational changes, and technological advancements. As such, our privacy policy is reviewed periodically and may be updated to reflect necessary changes.

11.2 Notification of Changes

Should there be any amendments to this policy, the updated version will be posted on our official website. We encourage all participants, partners, and stakeholders to regularly review our privacy policy to stay informed about how we protect your information and your rights.

11.3 Effectiveness of Updates

Updates to our privacy policy will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. The date of the most recent revisions will appear on this page, so all users are aware of when the last updates were made. It is important that you review the policy regularly to ensure you are updated on any changes.

11.4 Access to Previous Versions

For transparency and user reference, previous versions of our privacy policy will be archived and made available upon request. This allows users to understand how their data has been handled over time and the evolution of our privacy practices.

11.5 Your Continued Consent

By continuing to use our services and participate in our events after these changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the revised policy. If you do not agree with the changes in our privacy policy, you have the option to discontinue use of our services.

This section ensures that participants and partners are fully aware of any changes to the privacy practices of the organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week and understand their rights and obligations under the new policy terms.

12. Contact Information

12.1 Contact Roles

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or if you need to address any issues or concerns regarding the processing of your personal information, please reach out to the Co-Chairs of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week. They are responsible for overseeing and addressing all privacy-related inquiries.

12.2 Contact Details

To make an inquiry regarding privacy matters, please use the following contact methods:

  • Email: You can contact the Co-Chairs directly via their designated email addresses provided on our official website.
  • Contact Us Page: Alternatively, you can submit your inquiries through our “Contact Us” page. This page is accessible through the main navigation bar on every page of our website and provides a form that you can fill out to send a message directly to our Co-Chairs.

12.3 Response Time

We are committed to addressing all inquiries as quickly as possible. You can expect a response from us within one week of your inquiry. If your request is complex, or if we receive a high volume of inquiries, there may be a delay in response times. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we will notify you if there are any delays beyond the initial response time.


13. Governing Law

13.1 Jurisdiction

This privacy policy and any disputes arising from or related to the interpretation, violation, enforceability, or validity of this policy will be governed by the laws of the State of Alaska and the federal laws of the United States of America. The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week is based in Alaska, and the event is hosted within this jurisdiction; therefore, any legal actions or proceedings relating to this policy shall be conducted in the relevant courts of Alaska.

13.2 Legal Compliance

The organizing team of the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week commits to comply with applicable state and federal laws governing data protection and privacy. While not specifying particular statutes in this document, it is understood that our operations are influenced by such laws, and our practices are designed to adhere to the highest standards of privacy and data protection.

13.3 Review and Updates

As laws and regulations evolve, this privacy policy may be reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the legal landscape or our operational practices. All such updates will be in accordance with the procedures outlined in section 11 of this policy, ensuring that our practices remain compliant with the latest legal requirements.

13.4 Queries on Legal Matters

For any questions or concerns regarding the legal basis of this privacy policy, including inquiries about specific laws and their application to the Alaska Entrepreneurship Week or our events, please contact our legal department through the contact information provided in section 12.


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