
Page for all the info related
to AK Entrepreneurship Week





The Pitch

From the background of the event, to our goals, to who gains what from it, to budget itemization. All in one place.

Download the Pitch Deck


The Numbers

Here are the numbers we are working on, as of today.

As we get closer to the event, tasks get done, funds get spent and some get added.

Since we are dreamers, but also realistic, we have three budgets:

  • NEEDED   represents the bare minimum to make it happen (UPDATE: we got it funded in 2 weeks!!!)
  • WANTED   it would allow for a week that accomplish 100% of the goals, not just the minimum
  • DESIIRED   provides the room to implement all the amazing ideas this community has for such week

Stay up to date by checking the following budget summary and its breakdown:


The Updates, The Impact, The Progress

Sponsorship contributions allow for progress, increasing the impact of this community effort.

We hold monthly meetings with an agenda to share such updates, brainstorm ideas, and discuss metrics, or welcome new sponsors, too!

Sponsors’ meeting: Third Tuesday of the month, at noon, via Zoom meeting.

Do you support us?

Want to help make it happen?


Either with in-kind, volunteer or $$, is the community contributions what makes this a reality.

Glad to hear you want to be part of it!

Contact Us

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Event Dates | October 7-11, 2024.

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